AnsigtsmaskeSådan bekæmper du tør hud i ansigtet

How to combat dry skin on the face

Dry skin on the face is a common problem for many. When you talk about dry skin, it can vary from being completely mild to being painful and with problems such as cracked skin, itching and irritati...

Anti-AgeFå en mere ensartet, glødende og ungdommelig hud med AHA Peeling

Get a more uniform, glowing and youthful skin with AHA Peeling

AHA peeling is a form of exfoliation, also called chemical exfoliation. But don't let the word chemical exfoliation scare you. It is actually one of the best and gentlest ways to exfoliate the skin...

Anti-AgeHvad er forskellen på fysisk og kemisk eksfoliering? Hvad er bedst?

What is the difference between physical and chemical exfoliation? What is best?

Exfoliation helps to remove all the dead skin cells and clean the pores, so that the skin is left clean and smooth – and at the same time more receptive to absorbing other skin care products.  The ...