Anti-AgeHvad er forskellen på fysisk og kemisk eksfoliering? Hvad er bedst?

What is the difference between physical and chemical exfoliation? What is best?

Exfoliation helps to remove all the dead skin cells and clean the pores, so that the skin is left clean and smooth – and at the same time more receptive to absorbing other skin care products.  The ...

Anti-AgeHemmeligheden bag smuk hud – Vitamin B3

The secret behind beautiful skin – Vitamin B3

You heard right! Vitamin B3, also known as niacinamide, is one of the most important ingredients in our Anti-Aging Face Cream – and for good reason! Read along here and find out what benefits the v...

Anti-AgeHvad gør E-vitamin for huden?

What does vitamin E do for the skin?

What does vitamin E do for the skin? Vitamin E is one of the most well-known ingredients in skin care – and there is a good reason for that. In skin care, you will often come across vitamin E in p...